the culpeper pride scholarship fund

The Culpeper Pride Scholarship is a $1000 scholarship awarded 3 graduating seniors in the Culpeper area to be used for college, technical school, or some other continuing education . This scholarship fund is fully funded by our annual scholarship gala and direct donations to the fund. 

The aim is to make sure that the LGBTQIA2+ youth in our community know that we are rooting for them, to offer them community based support, and to help them achieve their goals. It is not solely awarded to LGBTQIA2+ students, however we do look for students that are members of or have impacted the queer community here in Culpeper. 

The application process requires an essay about how the scholarship would impact the student along with two references of character. More information on how to apply will be available sometime in December. If you would like to be notified when that happens please leave your email! 


We are now accepting scholarship applications